In Traditional Ayurvedic practice, Triphala is popularly used as a mild bowel cleanser for its efficient curing power of digestive diseases and for its Anti ageing property. However, research says this polyherb inherits proven remedies for various diseases.
In Traditi
For its numerous healing properties, Triphala is known as the Crown Jewel of Ayurvedic medicine. Besides Its eminent healing power for bodily disease, It promises mental and spiritual health as well.
Let’s further look into details of healing properties, benefits, prescribable dosage and side effects of Triphala.
Composure Of Triphala:
In Sanskrit, Triphala means ‘”Three Fruits”. Likewise, Triphala is formulated from three dried fruits Amalaki (Emblica Officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula) and Bibhitaki (Terminalia Berecilla) each stands for its unique curing power. These three fruits combined together in equal proportions generally. Sometimes the proportions may vary according to the disease.
Characteristics Of Triphala:
In Ayurvedic tradition, the therapeutic techniques were based on the doshas (fundamental physiology in ayurveda). Vata, Pitta and Kapha are the three doshas in the human body which in proper balance promises healthy life. On the adverse, if there is an imbalance of the three it results in health issues.
Triphala is well known for its Tridoshic rasayana characteristics. Each fruit in triphala comprises healing power for specific doshas.
- Amalaki has a cooling effect and is used to heal Pitta (Fire/ water) imbalance.
- Haritika has warming and dry potency which is used in healing Vata (Space / air) dosha.
- Bibhitaki has heating potency which heals Kapha (Earth/ Water) Dosha.
In addition, Triphala is one of few herbs in ayurveda to possess five tastes (sweet, sour, bitter, astringent and pungent). An astonishing fact about the taste in triphala is that by focusing on the taste difference we can come up with a better understanding of emotional needs. By sensing the imbalance in taste we can arrive at our emotional needs. Sweetness refers to the need of nurturing behaviour. Bitterness refers to the need for joy and contentment. Astringent indicates fear and anxiety. Sourness indicates envy and Pungency refers to a need of clarity and insight.
Properties And Benefits Of Triphala:
- Triphala is highly prescribed in digestion problems, gastric acidity and stomach ulcer. This herb removes toxin from the digestive tract and improves digestion function. Its laxative property enhances bowel movements and helps in cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract.
- This polyherb regulates the blood sugar level and its Anti-obesogenic property reduces the bad cholesterol and triglycerides that promotes weight loss.
- The antioxidant property of Triphala eliminates oxidative stress that reduces the effect of cancer. Anti- oxidation aids scavenging free radicals that enhance the skin health through increasing collagen & elastin and decreasing hyperpigmentation.
- It acts as a detoxifier on the blood vessels improving blood circulation which promotes the function of lungs and Heart.
- The synergistic effect of Triphala helps in rejuvenation of the immune system.
- The anti- inflammatory property of this herb benefits arthritis disease and heals various wounds from inflammation.
- Because of its anti- bacterial property, Triphala is used in Dental issues of plaque, mouth ulcers, gingivitis and gum problems.
Prescribable Dosage:
- Triphala can be consumed as churna (powder), tablet, capsule or Extract. In common, the churna is preferred more and its advisable that a person can take 500 mg to 1gm per day.
- If consumed in tablets or capsules, it is recommended to have 1-2 numbers twice a day.
- When consumed as Extract, 2-3 teaspoons twice a day is advisable.
- It is advisable to use this herb at Morning to regulate the sugar level, reduce cholesterol, improve blood circulation and reduce weight.
- Use this at night, as it works as a way of improving digestion and Cleansing the tract improving bowel movements.
- High dosage of Triphala can cause diarrhoea. As it has laxative properties avoid using it if you experience loose or running stools and stomach cramps.
- Pregnant women should be away from using this herb as it leads to miscarriage.
- It is better to consult a doctor before taking this herbal supplement if you are already undergoing allopathic medication as it may have drug interaction.
✔️How Triphala helps in Hair Growth?
Triphala stimulates hair follicles and roots thereby promoting hair growth. Moreover it restores the pH balance of the scalp and refrains dandruff problems. To control hair loss apply Triphala hair tonic on the scalp on a daily basis at night to find better results.
✔️How to use Triphala in Skincare?
Triphala face mask helps in exfoliating the dead skin cells, clears blemishes, hydrates and softens skin and provides a youthful and glowing complex. Mix 1 ½ tablespoon of Triphala powder with 3 Tablespoon of coconut oil thoroughly and apply the mixture to your face and leave it undisturbed for 15 mins, then rinse it with warm water. Follow this procedure thrice a week for better results.
Many have experienced positive benefits from herbal medication. Also, we hope that our program and blog articles will assist you in arriving with good tools for a healthy lifestyle. However, please consult an Ayurvedic practitioner/ doctor before using this herb.
5 Responses
Useful article
Very compact yet so much informative! Worth a read to deepen curiosity about useful herbs like triphala!
Very informative and worth of a share!
So nice to read and jampacked with trivia’s and FAQ’s. Great work!
The description was well written and a notable article for later revise. Very helpful and informative. Keep on sharing more herbs!