Insights Into Immunity For Teenagers


Immunity For Teenagers

Battling the coronavirus pandemic during the last couple of months, humans once again could realise the vitality of the golden shield of immunity. It may be very grounding for our body to sustain the natural immunity, but it is key for survival. Mere fever can cause unforeseen bodily reprimanding if not immunity carbs the harmful fungi to protect the body organs. 

Immunity is born from birth, hence masses neglect it, believing that it can heave any disease and protect us. But that is partially true, as we grow, we lose some of our immune ability naturally. In addition that is the reason why older ages are much rotten with several traumas. Hence we need to maintain a healthy diet, do some exercises to keep the immune system up and running in challenging times such as the covid wrought out. 

We can see that basic hygiene is very important in addition to the immune system, as immunogenic response varies from one human to another. Weaker people tend to have a weak immune power. Hence they need supplements in their diet to compensate for that and fight the bacteria.

In bookish biological terms immunity can be defined as a complex biological system endowed with the capacity to recognise and tolerate whatever belongs to the self. And to recognise and reject what is non-self. But to us it is that magic potion which keeps the foreign bodies such as viruses, allergens or pathogens away from our body.

Teens Need A Mention Here?

The teen ages when the body is still developing immunity, one must be watchful to maintain proper hygiene. Regularly washing hands and a wholesome diet to provide necessary supplements is basic hygiene practices. Teens fall prone to many flus as the immunity still builds. However they may not get affected as much since the body response is quite stronger in tender ages. During corona this age group (13 to 19 years old) was affected the least mostly because of stronger immunogenic fallacy. But parents must be knowledgeable enough to provide their teen siblings with a nutrient rich diet to aid the building of immunity. 

In this age group which includes the gap of fourteen to twenty years,  it is not that the body would not be affected at all. There may be fevers or cold with overhauling very fast but the intake of quality food and very inessential hygiene is very crucial. It helps the immune power build up for a harsh outside world.

Need For A Robust Immunity For Teenagers?

Immunity is the last line of defence of the body against any infection. Thus it is very basic to have a good immune ability and teenage is that period where mainly the immunity builds to the brim. In this age one may get affected by flu, fever, cold or other infections. These infections help the budding immune system to develop counter mechanisms to fight them for future occurrences so that in future if one is again injected with the same virus the body is not affected.

Teenage is the budding age for the body as well, hence they need a healthy nutritious food triangle which helps in building the body as well as the immunity. Moreover teenage is the age where lots of physical bodily exertion takes place which in turn helps the immunity to build up to needed levels. Immunisation projects for teens are done during this period with care which helps them in turn to develop much needed acquired immunity.

A Balanced Diet Is Worth Mentioning?

Diet is the most vital source of the necessary nutrients needed to gulp up an effective immune response. Some needed vital elements to build the immune system for teens may include:

-The most important element for immunity is zinc, which is found in red meat and poultry. 

-Another important supplement is probiotics. It can be found in yoghurt, apple cider, vinegar and fermented food such as kefir, sauerkraut or pickles.  

-Probiotics such as green bananas, yam or asparagus is also a good intake for immunity. 

-Walnuts, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds or flax seeds provide omega 3 which fights many diseases. 

-Nuts and seeds are power food as they provide potassium, magnesium, copper, zinc or vitamin E, B12, and A in a huge ratio. 

-Fruits such as berries or green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, kale or collard provide antioxidants for prevention of cell damage. 

-Vitamin C which is mainly lacking could be harvested from citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, lime, grapefruit or strawberries. 

-Supplements other than food are not a good choice but may be taken if needed after necessary blood tests, especially in cases of vitamin D.

Ayurveda Has Anything Into Immunity For Teenagers?

According to ayurveda immunity depends on ojas, equilibrium state of kapha and udana vata. There are two terminologies used in ayurveda to discuss the concept of vyadhiksamatwa, the synonym for immunity. They are namely ojas and bala. Ojas is nothing but the ultimate refined result of digestion, metabolism, absorption and assimilation. Ayurvedic medicine is based on five fundamental elements which comprise aakash (space), jala (water), prithvi (earth), teja (fire), and vayu (air). A combination of each element results in three doshas, known as vata, kapha, and pitta. These doshas are believed to be responsible for everyone’s physiological, mental, and emotional health. Herein kapha consists of earth and water, which is mainly correlated to immunity of the body.

Can Ayurveda Help In Building Immunity For Teenagers?

Ayurveda has a ton of home ready remedial for building a healthy immunity. Here we comment on a few of those.

-Ashwagandha is a woody herb which helps in boosting immune cells and also reduces stress.

-Turmeric not only boosts the immune system but also helps in healing.

-Giloy helps in blood purification as an antioxidant. It also helps to fight bacteria and aid in digestion.

-Amla which is Indian gooseberry is rich in vitamin C and helps boost immunogenic triggers.

-Tulsi not only boosts the immune system but also aids in lung diseases, cramps, gastritis and controls blood sugar.

-Neem, the miracle herb, is antimicrobial, therapeutic in nature, fights fungus, is anti-cancerous. It also treats diabetes.

Can Yoga And Physically Remaining Active Aid A Pinch?

Teen age is that period of life where most are by rules of nature active, running, jumping and having a fun filled hodoo. But still for the immune responses to be sharpened a little bit of tuned activities and exercises would help hugely. Including jogging, stretching, calisthenics, wrestling or iron-man drills in a regular routine would help in developing a far stealth immune power. Yoga is another stay at home pick which is very much effective to develop immunity. Yoga Asanas aiding immunogenic straits could be natarajasana, padmasana, mayurasana, dhanurasana or vrksasana.  

Further research is needed?

Teenage is the age of building immunity. Immunity being our first line of defence to our body, each of us must take care during this tender age to build a sharper immunogenic response. Hence, a healthy meal and necessary education is needed from here now to be ready against any infections.

Key Takeaways:  

Keep the mantra simple, not only have a healthy balanced diet, but also maintain hygiene and have active fun-filled teenage for a brighter immunity.


We recommend one to discuss any supplement, immunisation or health options regarding immunity with one’s doctor before starting taking them or include them in one’s diet. The mentioned remedies and fooding habits are just some options on the plate. Please check with your doctor for the right venue to follow.

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